The Colony of Faded Memories

Netkhi lifted his nose from the ground up into the air and focused. His energy seemed to come from somewhere far within as he closed his eyes and looked out into the vast stretch of land before him. He had no idea what she looked like, but he had promised to help in any way he could. The large valley in front of him stretched over six miles, and yet he had a feeling he knew where she was.

Is she there? Khordiskakalorv, the lead alpha male asked impatiently.

Netkhi closed his eyes, blinking back into focus on his current surroundings, and readjusting his eyes to the figures of his colony around him. She is hidden somewhere deep within the mountain. We must be careful what we disturb in this peaceful place Khor, or it could bring grief and misfortune upon our colony, Netkhi replied looking at Khordiskakalorv with a calm demeanor. Even though Khor was one of the lead alphas, Netkhi felt no intimidation when confronting him. He was an old alpha within the colony, and so he was respected as a wise, old grandfather would be respected in the human world.  

Khor nodded his head and looked over at his twin sister Taelea. Although siblings, the two ran the colony as lead alphas. They had been best friends since birth, and their ability to read each other because of this special connection allowed their colony to thrive under their strong bond. What is your take on this sister? Khor asked, flicking at the breeze that fluttered through his wings.

Taelea smiled back with a mischeaveous grin and flapped her wings, I’m ready, let’s go get her. She motioned toward two destyres sitting obediently a few yards off. The two betas, Oumori and Kyreea, nodded and turned towards the hunting group, a clique of four scouts, to give them their directions for the awaiting plan. The six destyres then took off towards the mountains at an incredible speed, following their trail with precision. Taelea looked back at Khor and said, We’ll chase her out to where you will be stationed. Don’t be late or the plan won’t work.

Khor snorted at Taelea as she took flight to help lead the ground group towards their goal and then looked over at a beautiful white and blue destyre sitting beside him. Lisen’ber was another alpha female, and Khor’s mate within the colony. Does she think I cannot remember my own plan? Khor scowled, motioning towards where his sister had just left.

Lisen’ber laughed and nuzzled his neck, She’s just excited. We’ve been in danger for a long time, and this is the first time there has been hope for our colony.

Khor rolled his eyes, If this even works… He looked back at Netkhi and bowed his head as Lisen’ber and he took off towards another part of the mountain to wait as the ambush party. Netkhi sighed and looked at the one destyre left sitting a few feet off underneath the shade of a large oak tree. Pixie was an elemental destyre, with beautiful white wings she used to soar through the sky as she manipulated the air around her, using her energy to control her elemental power.

Her eyes were sad as she walked over to where Netkhi was sitting, We should not be doing this. What if she refuses to join our colony? Do you really think Khor and Taelea will take no for an answer when the safety of the colony is at stake? This poor slayer won’t have a chance if it comes down to a fight.

Netkhi just nodded his head, With the rogues moving closer and closer into our territory every month, Khor and Taelea have no other options. I do not think it is right, but these are the orders our alphas have given us, and we must follow them. Pixie just shook her head and pushed off the ground and up into the clouds. Netkhi watched as she focused her energy to manipulate the air currents to push her faster and faster towards the ambush party as she went to join them in their position. He closed his eyes and focused his mind once again towards the vast looming mountains as he felt sorrow for the slayer destyre his colony was about to force out of hiding. They needed her help with the protection of the colony. He sighed and hoped his colony was not met with much resistance as they chased the poor slayer out of hiding and into the ambush that lay waiting in the valley below...



Khordiskakalor (Lead Alpha male)

Taelea (Lead Alpha female)

Lisen'ber (f)

Netkhi (m)



Oumori (m)

Kyreea (f)



Requiem (m)

Tren (m)

Vaed (m)

Ossrexo (m)



Galaxia (f)


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