Autylanna looked around the widespread forest before her and up into the trees overhead. It had never taken this long to find him! She huffed about, but finally closed her eyes, and felt the breezes blow through each of the surrounding tree’s beautiful bounty of colored leaves. Of course with her nature being the season of Autumn, Autylanna loved the crisp essence of the leaves when their colors started to change, however, the feeling of peace that came with her enjoyment of the falling leaves around her did not last long as her mind wandered back toward her current goal. She slowly opened one of her eyes and peeked up at the branch directly above her. Seeing nothing still, she sighed and cupped her hands over her mouth, and then proceeded to make short chirps that echoed through the silent woods. A few seconds later, she saw a bright red flash of color moving quickly through the trees towards her. “There you are!” Autylanna exclaimed in a loud booming voice, “You win, I can’t keep focused long enough to find you now that the leaves are changing color.” A spritely cardinal landed on the branch sitting above her head and let out a chirp. Autylanna looked at it and shook her head with a smile. Ean Dearg had been her dearest friend since as long as she could remember. His bright coloring and beautiful songs had accompanied Autylanna through the old forests of her time as she waited for Autumn to come each year. He was like her own perfectly made best friend, singing and hopping along as she made her way through the falling leaves. She held out her hand and he flew down, landing on her shoulder. The two friends then started to sing a beautiful harmony together as they made their way across the forest floor.

Name: Autylanna (Au-till-au-nuh)
ID: 001F1
Gender: Female
Parents: None (Gen. 1)
Human Soul: African-American || 1979-2024
Nature Spirit: Seasonal || Autumn
Familiar: Male Northern Cardinal
(vocal, robust, striking and colorful, paternal, territorial, adaptable, non-migratory)
Familiar's Name: éan dearg (red bird)
Mutations: Thick, bright orange hair. Colored fingernails
Accessories: Feather and ribbon charms, Pumpkin-Stem hair clip, Leotard and belt