Name: Whispering Stars
ID: k009
Gender: Male
Parentage: Unknown
Totem: Moon

Name: Laughing Sun
ID: k013
Gender: Female
Parentage: Unknown
Totem: Star

 Name: Lilith
ID: k017
Gender: Female
Parentage: Unknown
Totem: Pumpkin
Notes: She was not always known as Lilith, for she once lived as any other kachian. She was presumably killed, for now she haunts the lands she passes through, and has not moved on to the spirit world. Her soul remains with her body, within the crystal she wears.
As she is a demon of sorts, Lilith will NOT join any tribes. She can, and will, however, mate with any male she chooses to, whether or not he is in a tribe. It seems, in fact, that she is determined to create as many offspring as she possibly can, and it is assumed that, when she still lived, she had no surviving children. It is unknown at this time what effects a demon-spirit mating with a living, mortal kachian will have on the offspring. Nor would most males accept her as a mate, but there are rumors of her seducing males, or placing them in some sort of trance, if they refuse her. This likely will cause some sort of trauma to the male in question. She will not mate with the same male more than once.
As she's dead, she has no moral scruples. She can mate with males of her own totem, though this is generally frowned upon in the culture of kachians.

 Name: Christmas's Mystery
ID: k019
Gender: Male
Parentage: Unknown
Totem: Snowflake

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