You decide to do some more exploring. You try the forest next to the field. You walk in, and it is immediatly colder and darker from lack of sunlight. A little ways in, you spy something up in a tree. You see an eagle sitting in a tree. It flies down to you, and you notice that it has legs. It is a hippogryph. It flies around for a while, and then goes behind the tree and brings out two others. These don't have wings, so they walk up to you. One of them is a little different. She is jumping around and acting a little strange. Her coloring is beautiful, bright red, black and white. She has a strange little creature fluttering around her shoulder. Then the other one comes up to you. It also has a strange little creature fluttering around it's shoulder. You wonder what they are...

Name: Uanui'Fileg
Meaning: Monsterous Bird
ID: kara1f
Coloration: Amethyst Shadow
Species: Karasbura
Gender: Female
Jewelry: none
Mutations: none
Special: First Karasbura Ever!
Parents: none

Name: Thilio
Meaning: Glisten
ID: kara11m
Coloration: Emerald Shadow
Species: Karasbura
Gender: Male
Jewelry: Emerald tail necklace
Mutations: none
Special: none
Parents: none

Name: Iavas
Meaning: Autumn
ID: b-kara12m
Coloration: Golden Autumn
Species: Baby Karasbura
Gender: Male
Jewelry: none
Mutations: none
Special: Multicolor Feathers
Parents: none

Name: Emerthyst
ID: b-kara16f
Coloration: Emerthyst Shadow
Species: Baby Karasbura
Gender: Female
Jewelry: Amethyst Necklace
Mutations: none
Special: none
Parents: Thilio (11m) Uanui' Fileg (1f)


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