Walking through another tunnel, you hear a rustling noise in another part of the cave. Walking towards it, you see four squirrels run buy. Wait, those aren't squirrels, you think to yourself. They are different colors. They run by, look at you, and then run away.

Name: Frost King
ID: K006
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Light Blue
Features: Squirrel Tail, Snowflakes

Name: Stripe's Envy
ID: K004
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Hazel
Features: Curled Tail, Black Tail Bracelet, Stripes

Name: Frost's Envy
ID: K009
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Hazel
Features: Squirrel Tail, Stripes
Parents: Frost King & Stripe's Envy

Name: Ariel
ID: K015
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Features: Short Mane
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