These are my Sirens. They were adopted from the Shivuez Clouds; a dog-like creature with many patterns and shapes. Please don't steal, and just enjoy looking!

Name: Yin
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown

Eye Color: White
Body Color: White
Markings: Black
Tongue Color: Pink
Jewelry: None

Personality: Yin is very calm and serene. Everything he does has to do with trying to be good. His whole existence is to help his fellow sirens. Yin really likes to lay in the sun and sleep in his spare time. He also likes to explore.

Name: Yang
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown

Eye Color: Black
Body Color: Black
Markings: White
Jewelry: None

Personality: Yang is a firey ball of energy. She loves to run and always be moving. It is impossible for her to sit still. She is also a trouble-maker. Her life exists of playing tricks on others and scaring little creatures. In her spare time, she likes to scare other sirens.

Name: Moru'Fein
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown

Eye Color: Brown
Body Color: White
Markings: Black
Tongue Color: Pink
Jewelry: None

Personality: Moru is as lazy as they come. His whole life revolves around sleeping. When a storm comes, he finds a cave and sleeps through it. He really is too lazy to hunt, so he survives off of dead animals that have been killed for him.

Name: Baras
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown

Eye Color: Brown
Body Color: Red
Markings: Black and White
Jewelry: None

Personality: Baras is very shy. She would rather hide in the trees than be with all of the other Sirens. Her very quiet nature makes her a teasing target for all the other sirens. She likes to sit on a tree branch and just watch the world around her.

Name: Tambar
Gender: Male

Eye Color: Green
Body Color: Orange
Markings: Black
Tongue Color: Pink
Jewelry: None

Personality: Tambar is very cat-like. Sirens are known to be cat-like, but Tambar seriously thinks he's a tiger. His hobby is sleeping, yet he can be a deadly hunter when he is hungry. He likes to spend his day laying under a shady tree, or hunting defenseless rabbits in the fields.

Name: Raja
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown

Eye Color: Green
Body Color: White
Markings: Black
Jewelry: None

Personality: Raja is very feminine and flirty. She likes to slink around the males, tempting and taunting them to follow her. Then she will lead them away from the group, and get them lost, usually in the trees. She is very tricky and sly, making it hard to catch her during breeding season. The only male she truly likes is Tambar.

Name: Beast
Gender: Male

Eye Color: Hazel
Body Color: White
Markings: Green
Tongue Color: N/A
Jewelry: Spiked bracelet

Personality: Beast likes to be by himself. His favorite part of the day is night time. He loves to roam around in the darkenss, not seen by anyone..

Name: Tech
Gender: Female

Eye Color: Green
Body Color: Black
Markings: Green
Jewelry: None

Personality: Tech is a very mysterious Siren. She likes to play tricks on the others, and not neccisarilly say sorry. She's not the nicest Siren, but she gets along ok.

Name: Erfen
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown

Eye Color: Blue
Body Color: Tan
Markings: None
Jewelry: Collar

Personality: Erfen is very haughty. She has a rare mutation for short hair, and it really gets to her head. She thinks that she is better than all the other Sirens, which makes them very reluctant to be friends with her. In her spare time she likes find a pond or river so she can look at her reflection.

Name: Lily's Panda
Gender: Female
Parents: Moru'Fein//Baras

Eye Color: Brown
Body Color: Red
Markings: White and Black
Jewelry: None

Personality: Lily is a very playful Siren. Even though she is an adult, she still likes to play with the others. She will have beautiful puppies someday..

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