You walk around for a little bit until you hear something crawling in the grass. You look a little ways ahead and see a wolf-like creature crouching down, ready to pounce on you. Your heart stops as it comes speeding toward you. You close your eyes and brace yourself, waiting for the impact. Nothing happens. You look down and a Terwora is sitting at your feet, tail wagging, and tongue haning out. He jumps on you and starts licking your face. You start to laugh and play with him...then, three others come out of the brush and you play with them like cute little puppies.

Name: Iolv
Meaning: Fire Brand
Gender: Male
ID: none
Rank: none
Clan: unknown

Name: Shaeji
Meaning: Breeze
Gender: Female
ID: tw010
Rank: None
Clan: Unknown

Name: Golas
Meaning: Leaves
Gender: Female
ID: none
Rank: none
Clan: unknown

Name: Whispering Wind
Gender: Male
ID: none
Rank: none
Clan: unknown

Name: SunStar
Gender: Female
ID: none
Rank: Beta
Clan: unknown

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