The fall leaves filled the forest with a lustful sense of winter’s beginning as Veanor wandered through the trees. The calming sense of the woods starting to prepare for winter’s slumber always put his mind at ease as he watched the beings around him ready themselves for the upcoming cold. Veanor swished his tail and flicked his ears as he picked up the slight traces of sounds around him. He closed his eyes as he listened to the quiet scatter of a squirrel through the branches above, and the soft chirping of a robin to his mate. His hooves stamped through the leaf litter, creating a scattered path as he made his way among the trees in the forest he called his home. His antlers were just beginning to lose their adolescent fuzz, and they were starting to form sharp menacing points as he grew from a young foal to a mature Tuarian. He reached out for a moment to touch a nearby tree branch, and listen to the nature of his world. He wondered where life would take him, and what unexpected surprises nature had in store as he continued his life among the mysterious forest moon of Ellim…

Name: Veanor
Gender: Male
ID: 1